Not Your Grandfather’s Factory

Next generation industrial careers need high-tech skills What do you think of when you imagine a shift change at a factory? Unless you work inside one, chances are you think of a whistle, punch-cards and time-clocks, and thousands of workers pouring out of the gates. The assembly line of Henry Ford’s day still shapes public perception of manufacturing. But within the industry, vast changes in...
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Student Success Story: Heath Morrow

Engineering Technology AAS Graduate [caption id="attachment_152" align="alignright" width="296"] Heath Morrow[/caption] Like a lot of people, Heath Morrow struggled in school.  As a result of these struggles and poor choices, he was not going to be able to graduate with his class. While he was able to obtain his GED® in April of his senior year of high school, he had no intention of...
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TechHire Partnership

The U.S. Department of Labor recently awarded the H-1B TechHire Partnership grant to North Central Texas College (NCTC) for over $3.99 million. During the next four years NCTC will scale its existing career and technical programs in IT and Advanced Manufacturing to provide education and skill training, including work experience opportunities, and launch innovative employment placement models, as a...