Do you need a resume?
Do you know how to dress for a job?
What is a career portfolio?
Do you need childcare reimbursement while searching for work?
North Central Texas College offers a variety of career related services to students and community residents in Cooke, Denton, Montague, and Young counties.
- Internships in chosen fields, job search assistance, job referrals, career fairs, and job placement services. Also includes career counseling, assessment, and occupational and labor market information;
- Special needs populations – activities targeted to assist groups of workers who are traditionally underrepresented in a given occupation;
- Training – activities tied to work experience, internships, entrepreneurship, or job placement;
- Childcare reimbursement services for eligible job seekers at registered daycares.
Career Services Center is funded by the Wagner-Peyser and Title III grants. Open to all eligible NCTC students, alumni and community members as well. Individuals served must be:
- 14 years of age or older at the time of employment in the program;
- A U.S. citizen or a non-citizen authorized to work in the U.S. and;
- If male, be in compliance with the U.S. Selective Service System registration requirements.
Grant staff will determine eligibility, maintain records of each individual served under the grant award prior to enrollment in the program, and report that individuals meet the eligibility requirements per the reporting requirements of the grant contract.
For more information, call (940) 498-6259.
Career Services Center
Corinth Campus – Pinnell Square
1500 North Corinth St Suite 309
Corinth, TX 76208-5408
Visit us at: http://www.nctc.edu/career-services/index.html
I was referred to Career Services, and it really helped me. After visiting with a Career and Workforce Advisor, I was able to activate my CareerLion account to create a resume and cover letter. I weighed the pros and cons of two universities, and I am excited to announce that I will be attending Tarleton State University. I was offered an internship at Dixon Water Foundation in Leo, Texas. Noel Rodriguez