Why make an investment in education? Well because it pays off!
60 credit hours at NCTC for an in-district resident is $5,100
Compare that to $21,810 for 60 hours at a public 4-year institution for an in-state resident
That’s a savings of $16,710 on tuition alone.
Now take a look at how your lifetime earnings are increased for each level of educational attainment to really see how an investment in education can pay off!
Lifetime Earning Value of Associate Degree over High School
Associate Degree • $1,727,000
High School Diploma • $1,304,000
An Associate degree is worth over $423,000 in lifetime earnings above what you can expect as a high school graduate
A Bachelor’s degree is worth even more at $964,000
Invest in your education, advance your career, and enrich your life!
NCTC offers an easy way to earn credits and transfer
AA, AS & AAT Degree Transfer
NCTC graduates with an Associate of Arts (AA), an Associate of Science (AS), or an Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) degree can continue their education toward a four-year degree at any Texas university without the loss of credits earned at NCTC.
AAS Degree Transfer
NCTC Associate of Applied Science (AAS) graduates can take advantage of NCTC’s unique agreements with specific Texas universities to earn a Bachelor’s of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS). Those universities include University of North Texas, University of Texas at Tyler, Texas Woman’s University, Midwestern State University, Tarleton State University, and Texas A&M University-Commerce.
The Associate Degree of Nursing (ADN) Program at NCTC partners with universities to offer students the opportunity for a smooth transition from ADN to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) after passing the NCLEX-RN exam. Partnering universities are: Midwestern State University, Texas Tech University, Western Governor’s University, Southwest Kingston University, and Texas Woman’s University.