Steps to Getting Started at North Central Texas College
1. First Step
Apply to NCTC: nctc.edu
2. Second Step
Apply for Financial Aid
Create a FSA (Federal State Aid ID) at fsaid.ed.gov
Apply for Financial aid at fafsa.ed.gov
NCTC school code: 003558
3. Third Step
Bacterial Meningitis Immunization
Required for students less than 22 years of age. For documentation submission requirements and/or a list of exemptions/waivers, visit...

North Central Texas College Guide to Careers
Choosing a career path is an important decision and NCTC is dedicated to providing education to fit a wide variety of career goals. Choose from certificates, associate degrees and transfer studies to prepare you for careers that support your unique interests and ambitions.
Creative: Art, Design and Communication Careers
Bursting with ideas and looking for a way to bring them to life? Whether on...

The North Central Texas College Completion Center
The North Central Texas College Completion Center offers success coaching, career development, and job placement services for all new-to-college students. The program implements comprehensive student engagement programs that increase retention and completion rates of first-time, low income students, expand faculty and staff capacity to serve students, and strengthen the institution’s fiscal...

TechHire Partnership
The U.S. Department of Labor recently awarded the H-1B TechHire Partnership grant to North Central Texas College (NCTC) for over $3.99 million. During the next four years NCTC will scale its existing career and technical programs in IT and Advanced Manufacturing to provide education and skill training, including work experience opportunities, and launch innovative employment placement models, as a...
posted in: Information and Network Technology, Manufacturing
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What If A Degree Doesn’t Mean Debt?
Transfer students get the same education and spend a lot less
Nationally 45 percent of all U.S. undergraduates are enrolled at community colleges according to the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). Starting at North Central Texas College (NCTC) is a smart move, and in today’s uncertain economy, it makes even more sense.
Consider this: in-district tuition at NCTC is $2,400 for...

Do You Need a New Career in a Hurry? Continuing Education at NCTC
If you’re looking to find a new job, shift gears in your career, or if you’re simply not sure what you want to do, now is the time to take a Continuing Education course at North Central Texas College.
Continuing Education courses are usually short, pay-as-you go and last anywhere from four weeks to four months. Most all of our career courses are designed to help increase your skill sets in a...
posted in: Continuing Education
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Student Success Story: Heath Morrow
Engineering Technology
AAS Graduate
[caption id="attachment_152" align="alignright" width="296"] Heath Morrow[/caption]
Like a lot of people, Heath Morrow struggled in school. As a result of these struggles and poor choices, he was not going to be able to graduate with his class. While he was able to obtain his GED® in April of his senior year of high school, he had no intention of...
posted in: Manufacturing
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Not Your Grandfather’s Factory
Next generation industrial careers need high-tech skills
What do you think of when you imagine a shift change at a factory? Unless you work inside one, chances are you think of a whistle, punch-cards and time-clocks, and thousands of workers pouring out of the gates.
The assembly line of Henry Ford’s day still shapes public perception of manufacturing. But within the industry, vast changes in...
posted in: Manufacturing
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Tips for Returning Adult Students
Changing careers in today’s economy can often mean returning to college to gain new skills to prepare for the evolving marketplace. Community colleges are often the first place career changers turn for assistance.
Here are a few tips for adults getting ready to return to the classroom:
Consult with advising professionals to review your goals and plan a course of study. Advisors are in place to...
posted in: Continuing Education
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Student Success Story: Sherion Lawson
Sherion Lawson – Business Office Technology
2015 Administrative Employee of the Year at Denton Fire Department
[caption id="attachment_39" align="alignright" width="201"] Sherion Lawson, Administrative Employee of the Year for 2015, Denton Fire Department[/caption]
Sherion Lawson, a graduate of North Central Texas College (NCTC) with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Business...
posted in: Office Technology
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In Charge of Order: What modern office managers need to know
The Business Office Technology program at NCTC brings you the skills you need to excel in today’s tech-intensive office environment. Administrative Assistant, Receptionist, Secretary, and Accounting Assistant are just some of the jobs open to those who have completed the Business Office Technology program. In years past, occupations in this field were rather narrowly defined and though they...
posted in: Office Technology
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NCTC by the Numbers