Message from the Chancellor
Welcome to the Fall 2017 edition of CareerFocus. CareerFocus gives you information about the many opportunities available at North Central Texas College. NCTC is a great choice for those looking to start a new career, gain some additional skill sets, or continue their formal education.
Very soon NCTC will deliver again on its commitment to affordable, quality education in a stimulating...

Start Growing a Career: NCTC Agriculture students get off to the right start
When you hear the word “agriculture,” what comes to mind? The most obvious are jobs directly connected to farming. In fact, agriculture is a field with more than 200 different career options that is expanding and innovating every day.
In the next five years, there will be nearly 58,000 annual openings for college graduates in agriculture, food, renewable natural resources, and the...
posted in: Agriculture and Horticulture
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Application Checklist
Apply online at ApplyTexas.org.
Apply for financial aid and scholarships.*
Submit high school and/or college transcripts.
Receive a meningitis vaccine if under 22 years of age.
Complete the TSI testing requirements, if needed.
Apply for housing.*
Register for classes!

Machine Tool Technology Impacts Many Industries
By Tracy McQueen Marksberry
Machinists have a hand in practically everything – from the parts on your car to the equipment at your doctor’s office to the shoes in your closet.
“We’re behind the scenes of a lot of different things,” said Jeremy Carroll, Machining Technology instructor at North Central Texas College. Students who enroll in NCTC’s Machining Technology Program...
posted in: Computer Numerical Control, Manufacturing
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Is Your Head in the Cloud? Computer careers in the era of cloud computing, big data, and the internet of things
With each passing year, the Internet gets less “virtual” and more “reality.” Online activity is increasingly part of core operations for banking, retail, healthcare, scientific research, and education. In today’s economy, being connected is not optional.
That means a degree in computer science can take you just about anywhere, in any field. Computer and information technology jobs are...
posted in: Computer Technology, Information and Network Technology
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Student Success and Completion —— WE WANT YOU TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS!
At North Central Texas College, we offer many services to help you along your journey. Whether your journey begins in the Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) programs, Certificate Programs, Associate Degrees, Associate of Applied Science degrees, or transfer courses to a university – we offer many services along the way!
Counseling & Testing - Advisors offer a variety of services to...

Career Services Center
Do you need a resume?
Do you know how to dress for a job?
What is a career portfolio?
Do you need childcare reimbursement while searching for work?
North Central Texas College offers a variety of career related services to students and community residents in Cooke, Denton, Montague, and Young counties.
Internships in chosen fields, job search assistance, job referrals, career...